Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2 Days in a Row!! More undiscoverd on Etsy!

Wow, I impress even myself, 2 days in a row, and 2 updates! Maybe this will become a daily occurence, sure would love to gain more followers on here, any ideas on how to go about that?

So I perused Etsy all morning here at work, and still continue to be impressed by the talent in our midst, so here is my pick of the day!
Willa Mae's Marvelous Miniatures @ http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7268393.
What wonderfully neat things!! Go check out this shop, peruse this listings and show some love!

Take Care :o)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Starting Somewhere

I was looking on Etsy this morning, at both of my shops, my Mom's shop, my friend's shops, and my favorites. And I realized something, we are all at different stages of development on Etsy, some have a following and a niche, some haven't quite gotten there yet, and some of us are kind of on the way. But at the root of all that is "everyone/everything has to start somewhere", I realized right after that, that statement is so true of many things in life.
I have found that the well on their way shops on Etsy draw much more attention, than those with less feedback and sales #'s. Many people blog and tweet and facebook promote about Etsy Best, or Top 10. I have decided I am going to promote undiscovered and little known shops on Etsy that have truly great items. I will blog, tweet, heart, and promote on FB until my hearts content. Going into the holiday season, I think this will be fun.

One such shop I have in mind is Stems of Stone

Please go check out her beautiful art!!

:o) Catherine